Status Update

Basically, I feel good. The hiccups are under control, and the only discernable effects from my surgery as far as I'm concerned is a stiffness of the head muscles, brought on by muscle tissue that were cut during surgery to expose or "reach" the tumor.

My days are still difficult to get through, mostly due to boredom. But this is partly my fault. I believe I have been taking it too easy, and so this total lack of exertion leads to inability to fall asleep at night.

At this point, I'm really quite a bit emberrassed for having called so much attention to my condition. I was just watching this hospital show on the History Channel, and some people have real problems. Really, what I've had to go through, was easy compared to these people. I hope I did not overly dramatize things.

Beginning tomorrow, I have to be more productive. Even if it's just reading a real book, I have to stop wasting all this time...


  1. Nah, don't be too hard on yourself. This is a good time to pause for renewal. Take it easy and do things that you've always wanted to do but never had the luxury of allocating time and energy to.

  2. Hi Sol,been looking forward day to day to read for the current update in your health,I'm glad that everything doing great except for some stiffness of the head muscle.Take care Sol.

  3. Sol,
    Nice to hear your on the road to recovery. Dont be too hard on yourself.Take it easy. Our body needs sometime to heal.

  4. hi solomon. lynie here. am so glad to know that you are recovering. take care.


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