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I'm well. Showing no ill effects whatsoever from surgery. It's only a matter of recovering from the surgical wounds. So in that sense, by this point am no different from someone who underwent knee surgery or a c-section. In short, anyone who underwent surgery. So while I'm being cautious, I'm also a bit wary of over-babying myself. The latter can be equally counter-productive.

Philosophically am also at a same place. I'm almost ashamed to say that I had brain surgery. "Procedure to remove some excess tissue inside the ear" seems more apt, more correct. But I am also wary of trivializing the very real blessing that the operation went so well.

I'm blogging from a new Asus laptop with an ATOM processor. I dragged Kathy to SM yesterday to search for one yesterday. ATOM processors are made by Intel as part of an industry mission to make laptops, and therefore computing power, more accessible. I think the end goal is to get laptops out for less than $100. Things are still very far, since the current price point in the Philippines is around $450. At that price the whole thing makes very little sense since "regular" laptops with more established and superior processors start at $500, so I think they have to get things down to $250 or at least around P15,000 before the whole thing of having a "dumber" processor begins to make sense.

I plunked down P21,000 (6 installments of P3,500) for mine and my excuses to myself for the expenditure is that this thing is half the weight of my Lenovo (less of a strain on my surgical wounds. ha!) and therefore more mobile. Battery life will be key, because what's the use of mobility if its dead? This Asus promises 9.5 hours and backs it up with a 1-year warranty including the battery. As to whether or not it actually delivers on the 9.5 hours will be clearer a few months down the road.


  1. Hey Friend.
    Nice to hear ur recovering well. Dont push yourself,igive time to heal and enjoy some flowers. Take it easy still.
    Hoping your new laptop will bring you satisfaction,though I wasnt happy with my MSI Atom. I found the small screen too strainous to my aging vision.
    Hope to see you sometime again.
    We will keep praying for your speedy recovery.

  2. Hi Sol,oh its great to hear that you're recovering pretty well.And with your new Asus laptop, surely it would be a great help for you to be productive and at the same time ease your boredom.Is that the EEPC1005 Seashell netbook?My 9 year old daughter been bugging me to buy her one but still thinking that she can still use our imac and ibook as well but she's insisting of having her own,gosh... she wants her own just for playing games in facebook.
    Sol takecare, my prayers are with you.

  3. Hello Solomon,
    I am glad that you are recovering pretty well after the surgery.

    But I am jealous of your new netbook Asus. Hehehe.

    Anyway, I would like to share a popular quote that have inspired me a lot. It's from Senator Noynoy Aquino...
    "The Will of God will never take you to where the Grace of God will not protect you."

    I will continue to pray to God for your fast and full recovery.

    Hope to see you soon.

    Lawrence Tan @ MAU-FUNG CHAN
    Your Batchmate at GCHS 1986

  4. hi pare, ok ah, did not know that you are actually up and about already. that is excellent news. as for the hiccups, inuman na lang sure cure yan. are you now accepting visitors? take care. best regards, timoy


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