The Thank You Post

I suspect this blog of mine may have cemented some percolating notions that Kathy married something of a control freak (and yes, maybe she did) "My God this guy, he has rules for everything, dadalaw na lang, may rules pa!")

I will acknowldge that there was a subtle message I was trying to convey, which is this - I feel that many times we, all of us, when we hear of friends or relatives who have medical situations, we would like to be supportive; but we want to be suppportive on our own terms, at our own convenience, and at maximum brownie or pogi points.

The best attitude, I feel, was exemplified this time around by my own mother-in-law, Mrs. Anita Dy Sy, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank her with all my heart. Every morning, as the city slept, she would wake up (I imagine) at around the same time as the roosters and hens to make me some hot breakfast. She would then make the trip to CSMC and leave this hot food with my nurse. What impressed me the most was that I never heard her leave word as to why the food must be consumed. If it went to waste, and if by extension her efforts went to waste, it seemed to be fine with her. But as long as I woke up hungry, the hot food would be there. This is the spirit of humble supportiveness that over and above everyone I wish to thank, I emphasize here.

This is also my message. If it seems a bit preachy or judgmental, I apologize. But I will say this time and again: I will hold myself to same standard.


  1. The point about helping/supporting on the terms of the intended recipient is an excellent point, one that has taken me a very long time to recognize and an even longer time to practice. And I'm still at the learning stage!

  2. hi sol, we are ( hs classmates ) are praying for your speedy recovery. will wait for your post/ advice whenever your ready to received visitors. take care ( J.Ung )

  3. Hi Sol, James told me about your condition & your blog. Your Strength and your faith brings much encouragement. Hope you're recovering well. I'll be praying for you. Take care.

  4. Jeanette Angchay ChuAugust 31, 2009 at 6:04 PM

    Hi Sol, I just knew it today from Talie, and immediately read all your blog from day 1 you found gosh every detail, very well said by you, you're so good, no wonder since elementary till h.s. your the intellegent very good,class president in our class I could remember talaga,never would I forget you. Sol i'll be praying for your good health and faster recovery. Take care and keep praying Sol. Hope i can visit and see you.

  5. Roselyne Bairan CuaAugust 31, 2009 at 7:24 PM

    Just found about about this few minutes ago. will be praying for your quick recovery . Even in your times of weakness you still have a sense of humor which is really appreciated. Thanks for sharing us your journey. May you have the courage to go on with your fight with the tumor. Your friends are always here for you. Stay Strong and pray always.


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