Technology Adventure

I'm planning ahead here...

Theoretically, there shouldn't be any problems blogging from my hospital bed. Cellphones are like small computers these days and as long as I can pick up some GPRS signal from my room, I can access and blog away.

But what if the cellular signal is weak and I can't pick up any GPRS signals, then internet access becomes unavailable.

Supposedly though, I can send email to a specific email address provided by and that email gets posted as a blog entry automatically. That's nice, but in itself it doesn't solve anything since without a GPRS signal, it'll also be impossible to access email from my phone.

But, supposedly also, I can send email as an SMS message via a Smart cellphone, so if I put these two together, then theoretically, as long as I have enough of a cellular signal to send SMS, then I can send email via SMS, and get the contents posted automatically on my blog. I'll be limited to 140 characters per email though, so we'll be getting Twitter-like posts. Still, that's a pretty impressive, McGyver-ish leap. No PC, no wifi, no 3G, no EDGE, not even GPRS. Only SMS straight into a blog entry.

I'm going to give it a try a bit later, after I figure out the Smart email via SMS thing. If it actually works, I'll be very impressed. :-)

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