Intensive Care Friday

Stili in intensive care. Things look well. Think i have everything back, but very weak, head very heavy. Eating jello, first time in 3.5 days. Don't come yet.


  1. YEHEY!!!!

    Welcome back man!

    So when do you get to try your bionic implants? :)

  2. AMEN!!!! God is good indeed! Glad your back pare. Just imagine it's crispy pata flavored jello!

  3. hey sol!!! GREAT to hear from you. will now wait for the "go signal" post =). the prayers continue....

  4. So glad you came through . . . I hope the recovery is smooth. Enjoy the yummy hospital food. - Patty

  5. Sol - about time. Now get better and let's go out.

  6. Congratulations Cousin Sol! I only heard from Ahia (that's Eugene to you) about your surgery the day after you had it. Relieved that everything went well, keeping my fingers crossed that your recovery proceeds as smoothly as possible.

  7. Hi, Sol. Glad to see that your able to blog again. Can't wait to see if there's any improvement in your three-point shot. Let me know when Caidic and I can visit. We will continue to pray (for your three-point shot).

  8. Hi Sol! So great to see you blog again. Prayers continue for your quick recovery. we can meet up with you again. =)

  9. Hi Sol! Great to hear from you again! Will continue to pray for your speedy recovery. See you soon pare!


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