5 Ways You Can Help Me

1) Please try to read this blog thoroughly before asking me questions. I started this blog for the primary reason that I do not wish to answer the same questions over and over again. :-) I have come to realize that I am not a particularly "social" animal, I do not thrive on human contact as much as others. This does not mean I am anti-social, which means "angry at" or "against" people. I do need your warmth and your fellowship, but let's try to skip the repetitive questions. :-)

2) Try not to call me. SMS is fine. There are times I don't feel like talking because I worry you might ask me repetitive questions. :-) For those whose calls I might have ignored, I'm sorry.

3) If, and I mean if, you have any intention of visiting me, please wait until I start blogging again after my surgery. The fact that I am well enough to blog would mean I am well enough to appreciate your visit. Bring happy thoughts and happy faces. Thanks in advance.

4) At this point, after weeks of agonizing over different treatment options, I would really prefer not to hear about the "friend of a friend who had a sister whose husband's brother" had the same thing and who went there and did this. By this time, nine days before surgery, such well-meaning advice only adds doubt and turmoil, which makes things more difficult.

5) Help my family, try to make things easier for them. Try to check this blog for updates before asking them. It's not exactly an easy time for them too.

Thanks very very much!


  1. ok. I understand what you are feeling and wbat you are going through right now.

  2. Great blog. When I was doing my residency in Cardinal Santos 25 years ago, we called Dr Libarnes a walking MRI. He never missed a diagnosis. He will localize a lesion with great accuracy. Not even the neurologists I work with here in Florida have that clinical skill.

  3. Thank you so much for taking the time to write down the experience you went through. I have read many things while trying to make a treatment desision since being told last month that my AN had grown 5mm in one year but yours seem to hit the spot. I hope everything went to plan and life is good. Thanks.

  4. how are you now a few years after the surgery ?

  5. How are you now? Please kindly update.


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