A New World

As of around 11pm Sunday they've removed the last IV tube. I hope in the nxt few hours it will allow me to slowly and gingerly explore my post-op world. I've not seen myself in the mirror for almost a week now. Haven't shaved, haven't made pooh-pooh as man was meant to pooh-pooh.

This moving arround will also help me conquer a hospitalized man's horror hours - the time from 10 - 6 when the rest of the world goes to sleep but a hospitalized man finds himself wide awake and all alone.

Lastly, i suspect that as my body senses a return to the normal, the hiccups will stop.

This all a bit not covered by official doctors' orders, but i think both my wife and sister feel it is not widely irresponsible and sounds a bit logical...
So we'll see...

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