The Golden AN

A little ditty, inspired by the one of the most successful Sesame Street sketches of all time (successful in the sense that I believe everyone around my age remembers it, even thirty years after, kinda sorta...)

So we'll take the golden AN,
and remove as much as we cAN,
then we shoot what's left with some rays from the doctor mAN...
Afterwards, I hope I can still drive the tAN vAN;
That's the plAN!


  1. hahaha! i love the tumor humor =)

  2. Hey Sol!

    I love that sketch too!

    I'm sure you can also do wonders with the Sesame Street Letter B song... sung by the Beetles! Wait for your creative juices to start flowing after your operation.

    Peace, friend. See you soon.

  3. I love the wit, candor & hope all embodied in your posts.

    God bless. You're in aslAN's hANds.

    Be well.

    Maan V.


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